The Assisted Living Resident Profile Survey Results for 2018
Click for the full ALRPS 2018 final report for the year 2018. This report contains information concerning assisted living residents and assisted living program participants in New Jersey. The report summarizes the results of the ALRPS which focused on the following domains: facility characteristic profile; in-house resident profile; respite residential profile and discharged resident profile. We believe you will find this information very useful in determining how your facility compares with the statewide average for each of these measures.
The Department of Health (Department) would like to thank staff members from the facilities for completeing and submitting the survey for 2018. The response rate for 2018 was 99.6%. In addition, the Department appreciates the collaborative effort between the New Jersey Hospital Association, the Heath Care Association of New Jersey and LeadingAge New Jersey in working with the facilities to complete the survey. If you have any questions, concerns or comments regarding the survey, you may contact Mr. Gary Spiewak, Research Scientist II at (609) 376-7793. Thank you.