2024 Awards Ceremony Photos


[Left to Right: Martin (Marty) Klein, President & CEO, Seashore Gardens Living Center & James (Jim) McCracken, President & CEO, LeadingAge NJ & DE]

[President’s Award: Martin Klein: Seashore Gardens Living Center, 2024 LeadingAge NJ & DE ]

[Left to right: Steve Day, Hawks & Company; Christine Pearce and her son, Recreation Therapist, Preakness HealthCare Center & Excellence in Care Award Recipient; Shannon Mulhern, Recreation Therapist, Preakness HealthCare Center & Excellence in Care Award Recipient,  Suzanne McEvoy
Director of Volunteers & Community Outreach, Preakness HealthCare Center; and Jim McCracken, President & CEO, LeadingAge NJ & DE]

Excellence in Aging Services Awards

The event gathered 180+ folks from mission driven aging services providers, their families, and our community partners.

The Boathouse at Mercer Lake
