Education Tracts

Affordable Senior Housing

Sessions in this tract are: A1, A2, B1, B5, C1, D1, E4,  F2, G4, & G5

This tract offers sessions on federal/state senior affordable housing policy and reform, legal or ethical concerns in senior housing, fair housing compliance, building or asset management best practices, training on any section of the HUD Handbook, senior housing research (current/future landscape, income, costs, trends, etc.), financing green retrofits, new development or rehab initiatives, supportive services, or service coordination programs, and other solutions for aging properties and residents.

Aging Services Innovation, Technology, and Design

Sessions in this tract are: B2, B5, D2, E4, F1, G1, G3

This tract includes topics related to technology-enabled business tools and solutions for aging services and the development and adoption of innovative programs, practices, and services. Topics include construction, expansion and renovation, environments that promote resident independence, as well as the development of new senior housing models that meet evolving consumer expectations. Sessions may feature case studies of adoption and implementation in LANJDE member organizations.

Growth & Mission Enhancement

Sessions in this tract are: A4, B4, C3, D4, E2

This tract offers sessions on best practices related to occupancy, lead generation, market research, emerging consumer trends, effective public communication, and responding to market changes. This includes data collection, advertising, fundraising, and value propositions to reach prospects and drive higher occupancy. Sessions also cover strategies organizations can leverage to communicate with clarity and confidence.

Home & Community Based Services & Home Health Care

Sessions in this tract are: A2, B1, B5, C4, D5, E3, F1, G2, G4, G5

Topics focusing on policy and reform, legal or ethical concerns in Home Health Care, and solutions for providers and residents in home and community-based services and home health care settings.

Operations, Finance, Strategy & Leadership

Sessions in this tract are: A2, B1, B4, C2, C5, D5, F3, G2

This tract includes sessions on financing models, contract types, new revenue sources, internal cost management, strategies to reduce costs, improve outcomes, and effectively manage risk. Sessions also highlight initiatives to optimize business processes and strategies, programming and approaches that promote DEI and long-term sustainability, including collaborative partnerships, growth strategies, repositioning, mergers, acquisitions and affiliations.

Public Policy & Legal Issues 

Sessions in this tract are: A2, B1, D3, E1, E3, E5, F2, G5

Sessions cover grassroots advocacy, state/national regulatory and legislative issues, initiatives and trends for clinical and operational decision-makers. Topics related to health care reform, social accountability, compliance, risk and liability, litigation, labor law, workforce, and other legal issues.

Workforce Development, Culture & DEI

Sessions in this tract are: A3, B3, C4, F4, G2

Sessions include innovative strategies and solutions for Aging Services Leaders and HR professionals to address the staffing crisis, retention and recruitment, executive transitions, and other related topics. This tract also includes topics on leadership best practices, cultural competence and culture change. With a focus on tangible methods to advance DEI in an organization’s culture, sessions offer practices to cultivate deliberate, equitable and inclusive cultures that empower team members and prioritize well-being.

Questions? Don’t hesitate to reach out to Ivy, Communications & Events Manager.
