
Jim McCracken, President & CEO
e-mail: jmccracken@LeadingAgeNJDE.orgJames W. McCracken assumed the role of President and Chief Executive Officer of LeadingAge New Jersey & Delaware on January 2, 2018.
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Meagan Glaser, Vice President
telephone: (609) 452-1161 x2112
As Vice President for LeadingAge New Jersey & Delaware, Meagan Glaser advances quality aging services in New Jersey and Delaware through advocacy, education and fellowship.
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Ivy Beck, Communications and Events Manager
Ivy joined LeadingAge New Jersey & Delaware in February, 2020. As the Communications and Events Manager, Ivy advances quality aging services by supporting membership efforts, education and events.
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Faith McCarrick, Membership & Database Coordinator
As Membership and Database Coordinator for LeadingAge New Jersey & Delaware, Faith McCarrick advances quality aging services in New Jersey and Delaware by ensuring our members and partners are supported through engagement, education and fellowship.
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Pete Thompson, Accountant
Pete Thompson joined LeadingAge New Jersey & Delaware in October, 2019. In addition to his bookkeeping work for LANJDE, Pete performs part-time accounting work for other non-profit trade associations in central Ohio.
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Dao Vuong Degnan, Housing Consultant
The Compass Group
telephone: (646) 246-5973
As the Housing Consultant for LeadingAge of New Jersey & Delaware (LANJDE), Dao analyzes and summarizes proposed, new, and or existing Federal and State regulations, programs, policies, or initiatives and their impact on LANJDE community.
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Theresa Edelstein MPH, LNHA , Regulatory Consultant
telephone: (609) 275-4102
Theresa Edelstein is the regulatory consultant for LeadingAge NJ & DE under a shared services agreement with the NJ Hospital Association where she serves as Vice President, Post-Acute Care Policy & Special Initiatives.
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Dave Weidner MPH, REHS, MEP, CEM, CHEP, Director, Emergency Management
e-mail: dweidner@LeadingAgeNJDE.orgDavid Weidner serves as the Director of Emergency Management for the Health Care Association of New Jersey and Leading Age New Jersey & Delaware.
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