Business Partner & Sponsor Opportunities

2025 Annual Sponsor Opportunities

Contract available here

Annual Awards Sponsor Opportunities are Detailed Here

Annual Meeting Sponsor Opportunities are Detailed Here

Annual Golf & Pickleball Classic Sponsor Opportunities are Detailed Here

Annual State Night Out Sponsor Opportunities are Detailed Here

Annual Spring Training Sponsor | $1,500 | 3 Opportunities

Opportunity to empower our Annual Spring Training for Affordable Senior Housing providers. Logo featured on all promotional materials, opportunity to attend training and offer remarks.

Annual Fall Training | $1,500 | 3 Opportunities

Opportunity to empower our Annual Fall Training for Affordable Senior Housing providers. Logo featured on all promotional materials, opportunity to attend training and offer remarks.

Career Corner Sponsor | $2,000 | Exclusive Opportunity

Be the exclusive partner on our Aging Services Career Corner – where members post open positions to attract a mission driven workforce. Your logo exclusively on Career Corner and company mention on all marketing of the Career Corner.

Monthly Newsletter Sponsor | $2,000 | Exclusive Opportunity; By Month

Provide a branded image advertisement to run in our Aging Services Newsletter, which is distributed to 2,000 + contacts twice each week. Your ad will run in all newsletters the month of your sponsorship.

Annual Note Pad Sponsor $2,500 – Exclusive Opportunity

Partner provided branded notepads to be used at association annual events, Board Meetings, and member trainings.

Annual Pen Sponsor $2,500 – Exclusive Opportunity

Partner provided branded pens to be used at association annual events, Board Meetings, and member trainings.

Fidget Spinner Sponsor $2,500 – Exclusive Opportunity

Partner provided branded fidget spinners to be used at association annual events, Board Meetings, and member trainings.

Stress Ball Sponsor $2,500 – Exclusive Opportunity

Partner provided branded stress balls to be used at association annual events, Board Meetings, and member trainings.


Don’t hesitate to reach out to Ivy, Communications & Events Manager.
