Eagle’s Law Staffing Ratio Waiver Effective 1/1/25

History of Eagles Law

The DNHRQAC was created in 1999 as part of a long-term care legislative package introduced by former Senator Robert Marshall and subsequently signed into law by the Governor.   As part of this legislative package, the Division of Healthcare Quality (DHCQ), formerly known as the Division of Long-Term Care Residents Protection, was also created.

The staffing ratios are outlined in Delaware Code, Title 16, Chapter 11, Subchapter 7, Section 1162 Part C. Here is the link to the code.

Title 16, Chapter 11, Subchapter 7, Section 1168 gives the Delaware Nursing Home Residents Quality Assurance Commission (DNHRQAC) the authority over the waiver application and approval process.

Submit questions about the waiver request process and completed applications to: EaglesLawWaiver@delaware.gov and/or DHSS_DHCQ_Staffing@delaware.gov.
