If you are interested in presenting to our membership, please contact the LeadingAge New Jersey office.

Finding Foundations

Finding Foundations Date: Wednesday, August 7, 6-8pm Location: Hillsborough Branch, Somerset County Library System, 379 South Branch Rd., Hillsborough, NJ 08844 Presenter: Seana Zimmer, grant expert and trainer Cost: FREE, registration required Come with your questions and your laptop and... [more]

Hospice Regulatory Update – FY 2020 Proposed Rule

This webinar will explore the details of the hospice final rule for fiscal year 2020; expected to be released in late July. Objectives: - Provide an overview of the changes outlined in the final rule - Update on the payment... [more]

Capitol Conversations


The 2019 VNAA and ElevatingHOME Member Call schedule is now available. Member Calls are the perfect opportunity to engage with your fellow members for productive networking and idea sharing. Focusing on the areas of collaboration, public policy issues, and quality,... [more]

Meet the Funders

Meet the Funders Date: Wednesday, August 14, 6-8pm Location: Hillsborough Branch, Somerset County Library System, 379 South Branch Rd., Hillsborough, NJ 08844 Panelists: Annmarie Puleio, The Fred C. Rummel Foundation, Geraldine Flach, Valley Bank and Edward LaPorte, NJ Office of... [more]

#TuesdayStandUp- Therapy Contracts and Under PDPM Update

What is it? A 15 minute, clinically focused educational teleconference which explores a variety of clinical, regulatory, and operational issues and best practices associated with providing care, supports, and services for older adults. Each call will offer listeners actionable advice... [more]

Housing Happenings – Managing Expectations and Boundaries


LeadingAge Maryland and LeadingAge DC are excited to offer this educational teleconference series designed specifically for affordable housing professionals!   When: The third Wednesday of every month from 9-9:15am How do I join? Simply dial 310-372-7549, and enter conference code 505134... [more]

PHILEP Monthly Webinar Series – Medicinal Marijuana: 2019 Update


NOTE: There will be no Nursing CE (CNE) provided. For obtaining all CEUs (except EMT) you will need to register twice: (i) at this link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/1287337201773493005 (ii) and on NJLMN   Topic: Medicinal Marijuana: 2019 Update Speaker/s: Susan Carson, Director,... [more]

Hepatitis A outbreak Overview and Outbreak Update

Speakers: Lisa McHugh, PhD, MPH, Program Coordinator, Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Influenza Surveillance Coordinator Rosemary Kidder, RN, BSN, MPH, NJDOH, Communicable Disease Service Brett Nance Date: September 26, 2019 Time: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM   Registration link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/2210822515982148109 Description: NJDOH... [more]

#TuesdayStandUp- QAPI- What the last phase means and how to prepare for it

What is it? A 15 minute, clinically focused educational teleconference which explores a variety of clinical, regulatory, and operational issues and best practices associated with providing care, supports, and services for older adults. Each call will offer listeners actionable advice... [more]
