LoC Network Meet & Greet
Leaders of Color & Allies - You are invited to join our next Meet & Greet on March 20, 2025, at Parker at Somerset. This is a great opportunity to connect with fellow Leaders of Color and allies in aging... [more]
If you are interested in presenting to our membership, please contact the LeadingAge New Jersey office.
Leaders of Color & Allies - You are invited to join our next Meet & Greet on March 20, 2025, at Parker at Somerset. This is a great opportunity to connect with fellow Leaders of Color and allies in aging... [more]
Each Nursing Home Network meeting features a brief presentation and Q&A with a guest speaker on current hot topics of interest to Nursing Homes. The guest speaker is followed by policy updates from LeadingAge policy experts with the rest of... [more]
Staff of LeadingAge members who provide adult day services, meals, personal care, transportation, and other HCBS will meet monthly to discuss and provide input on policy, regulations, operations, quality, reimbursement, and workforce. The Network will sometimes feature an outside speaker... [more]
Each Life Plan Community Network meeting features a panel-led discussion on current hot topics of interest to LPCs. We also foster member discussion and connection on these issues, and members are encouraged to suggest future topics for the good of... [more]
The LeadingAge Leadership Summit brings together nearly 1,000 senior and emerging leaders from aging service providers across the country. 2025 Mon., April 7 – Wed., April 9 Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington, DC What is the Leadership Summit? The LeadingAge Leadership Summit convenes... [more]
Meets virtually the second Wednesday of each month for member led conversations on trending priorities and concerns for aging services HR staff. This roundtable is for provider members of LeadingAge New Jersey & Delaware. Reach out to Ivy for the... [more]
This member-led group welcomes all LeadingAge members who currently operate, or who are interested in learning more about starting a Continuing Care at Home program. Members rotate host duties, and meeting details are posted in the CC@H Member Community. This... [more]
This training will provide essential education on the Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act (HOTMA) to ensure compliance ahead of its July implementation deadline. This will be your last chance to gain comprehensive knowledge and prepare for the changes impacting major... [more]
2025 Spring Housing Training: Understanding HOTMA's Impact on Affordable Senior Housing Programs Presented by LeadingAge NJ & DE & US Housing Consultants Click Here To Register! When: 9:30 am - 4:30 pm - April 15, 2025 Where: Harrogate: 400 Locust Street. Lakewood, NJ ... [more]
LeadingAge New Jersey & Delaware is proud to partner with LeadingAge Maryland and LeadingAge Ohio to offer this educational series designed specifically for affordable housing professionals! Calls are held on the third Wednesday of every month from 12 noon- 1pm... [more]
The Assisted Living Network meetings feature discussions on current hot topics of interest to assisted living providers. The AL Network fosters member discussions and connections on emerging and perennial issues, and members are encouraged to suggest future topics that will... [more]
Each Nursing Home Network meeting features a brief presentation and Q&A with a guest speaker on current hot topics of interest to Nursing Homes. The guest speaker is followed by policy updates from LeadingAge policy experts with the rest of... [more]