#TuesdayStandUp is a 15 minute, clinically focused educational teleconference which explores a variety of clinical, regulatory, and operational issues and best practices associated with providing care, supports, and services for older adults. Each call will offer listeners actionable advice designed... [more]
Workforce Wednesday - Filling the Care Gap: Integrating Foreign-Born Nurses and Personal Care Assistants into the Field of Long-Term Services and Supports
#TuesdayStandUp is a 15 minute, clinically focused educational teleconference which explores a variety of clinical, regulatory, and operational issues and best practices associated with providing care, supports, and services for older adults. Each call will offer listeners actionable advice designed... [more]
LeadingAge Maryland and LeadingAge DC are excited to offer this educational teleconference series designed specifically for affordable housing professionals! Speaker and Topic: Medical Marijuana and Affordable Senior Housing: Lisa Tunick, JD Reno and Cavanaugh, LLC